The Papers
Sir Terry Wogan honoured in newspaper headlines
The phrase "national treasure" is used by several papers in marking the death of Sir Terry Wogan. And fans and former colleagues alike are given space to articulate why the Irishman came to be regarded by many as Britain's best broadcaster. As Quentin Letts puts it in a touching tribute in the Daily Mail:
"The radio microphone allowed his soft voice to wrap itself round the listener's consciousness and the rueful humour braced the toiling masses for another day of torment by their bosses."
BBC Radio director Helen Boaden writes in the Independent that: "Like all natural comics, Terry was often subversive, though never unkind... Above all, Terry understood the golden rule of all great radio: you are only ever talking to one person."
Referring to the TOGs - listeners nicknamed "Terry's Old Geezers/Gals" - the Guardian's Mark Lawson says: "Wogan understood, long before modern communications made this a standard part of broadcasting, what a valuable resource the audience could be. Drawing heavily from that original social media device, the postbag, he read out letters, stories and limericks... that not only provided a free script but created a sense of community with listeners."
Eye-catching headlines:
"Cancer alert on 5-a-side pitches" - the Daily Star quotes a study expressing concern about the effects of playing football on artificial pitches made from old tyres
"Passenger sends in bailiffs to get £600 back from Ryanair" - a man forced to pay £320 to check in his family took his case to court and sent bailiffs to claim his compensation when the airline failed to respond, reports the Daily Mail
"Fall in, not out" - soldiers are to get a health and safety briefing, complete with slideshow, to tell them how to avoid falling out of bunk beds, after a woman broke her foot tumbling from the top bunk, reports the Sun
"The spy who came in for rough justice" - a judge consulted ex-PM Harold Macmillan before sentencing a Cold War Russian agent, according to an account of the case in a book highlighted by the Times
Making people click:
Telegraph: Cherie Blair fires first shot in legal battle against Government's buy-to-let tax
Independent: Jeremy Hunt's advice to parents 'could put lives at risk', doctors say
Mirror: Was Zika outbreak caused by release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil?
Mail: Spot the best-supported actress! Steely stares, champagne and Sarah Silverman's showstopping cleavage... inside the super-glamorous SAG Awards
Guardian: Zzzzzzzzz … 12 simple steps to a good night's sleep


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